Mission Statement
A Christ-centered community dedicated to the education of the whole person and committed to truth, service, and academic excellence.
Striving to be Saints. Scholars. Champions.
Faithfulness: We center our actions and decisions on our Catholic faith, rooted in the gospel teachings of Truth, love, compassion, and service to others. All are encouraged to deepen their personal relationship with God through prayer, reflection, and sacraments.
Integrity: We uphold honesty, transparency, and Catholic moral principles in all our relationships, striving to take responsibility for our actions and decisions, understanding that we are accountable for the impact they have on others and the school community.
Respect: We uphold the dignity of every human person, valuing the diverse perspectives and contributions of students, staff, parents, and the global community.
Excellence: We strive for excellence in academics, extracurricular activities, and personal growth, encouraging each member of the school community to reach their fullest potential.
Family: We foster a strong sense of community within the school, nurturing an environment of support, care, and belonging for all. We learn, love, and grow together in a manner that is pleasing to God.
Justice: We work to advocate for fairness and justice, standing up for the marginalized or disadvantaged and promoting a just and equitable school environment.
Servant Leadership: We lead by example, actively seeking opportunities to serve others with humility, compassion, and selflessness.
Stewardship: We responsibly cultivate the resources, talents, and opportunities we have been given, recognizing that they are gifts from God.